Janice’s Journal: Murder at the Hands of Vigilantes

It happened again. Another CA registrant was murdered by vigilantes for no reason other than he was required to register as a sex offender.

This horror began when four men went shopping together to buy pliers and bolt cutters, common tools later used to torture and kill a registrant. A 61-year-old man who had paid his debt to society and was living peacefully in the community.

The men used the pliers they bought to break into the registrant’s home. It is not known, but can only be imagined, how they used the bolt cutters to murder the registrant who was taking a shower at the time they entered his home.

This vigilante attack and murder is an outrage and must be remembered! Just like the murder of Michael Dodele who was stabbed to death in Lake County in 2010. Just like Bobby Ray Rainwater who was stabbed to death in Orange County in 2012. And just like Donald Crisp who was shot to death in Monterey County in 2013
Future vigilante attacks must be prevented. But how?

We are a non-violent community and this is not a call to arms. Instead, it is a call to travel down a path of peace and justice.

First, we must hold accountable reporters and newspapers that write and print stories that are not based in truth. For example, the report of this recent tragic death falsely states that the registrant had a “sordid past” even though he was convicted of a single offense. The same report includes additional false statements such as that his victim was a minor when instead he was a 32-year-old adult. Finally, the report included unsubstantiated reports that police detectives were investigating sexual assault allegations previously made against him more than 30 years ago.
Second, we must ensure that those who murder registrants are held accountable. That means their charges and convictions must reflect that the reason the perpetrators chose their victim was because the victim was required to register as a sex offender. It also means that the perpetrators must be properly sentenced, a sentence that is not reduced because their victim was a registrant.

Finally, we must continue, if not redouble, our efforts to educate the public about the truth regarding registrants, including the true rates of re-offense and the fact that most people (more than 90 percent) who sexually assault children are not on the registry, but instead are family members, teachers, coaches and members of the clergy.

We can only accomplish this essential and humane task by Showing Up, Standing Up and Speaking Up. It’s easy to do so by joining us at a monthly meeting. We hope to see you there soon!

— by Janice Bellucci

Read all Janice’s Journals


CA: 4 men charged with killing Redondo Beach sex offender during home-invasion robbery

4 charged in killing of Redondo Beach sex offender no strangers to court



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Buy a crossbow there like 300/ 400 bucks it has a silent crank to pull it back infrared beam with the scope very accurate shoots up to 300 yards its the only legal way we are allowed to hunt we’re allowed to own them and we’re allowed to have them in our home they are not firearms the court has a whole definition of a firearm word for word in writing but it says nothing about the crossbow or pepper spray or bear spray and plant knives all around your house go by two really big dogs just pay 500 bucks a puppy and keep your Firearms at your brothers sisters cousins friends aunts house

I feel so helpless against people and the government who are making our lives more difficult every day. When does it end? Thank you for dedication! We need you.

Curious thought, maybe it has happened, i don’t know. What if a RSO was attacked in his home and he survived the attack and killed the attackers? My guess is that the RSO will be charged/convicted/executed for murder. That’s not really an actual guess just a pessimistic idea. But is it even legal for us to defend ourselves from vigilantes? Of course the law says yes but reality is often different.

I do have a compound bow “loaded” (meaning an arrow is nocked and resting in the bow) and a sword near my bed. Still want to get ballistic shield. It’s a bit old school sure but not much else to be done. There’s one for about 300 bucks from hardcoredefense.com but to have these things i would almost bet the D.A. would somehow charge “laying in wait” and with our registrant status win the jury for a guilty verdict.

Additionally, should call a lawyer first or police first? Are their “friendly” lawyers. Would Janice and team take such a thing or can anyone recommend a law office? (state is Ca.) I would not leave this to a public defender.

I am the mom. My son isn’t convicted of anything, as of yet. Court has been going on for almost 3 years. He’s 20 now and out on bond. Last month I was the victim of a sickening, vigilante attack. The reason? I was the mother of a sex offender. They saw my sons photo in the “Daily Chronicle” some type of online police blotter.
I was drugged and raped in a ghastly manner. It was a white nationalist group. It sounds unreal but it’s true. I went to the police. They victim shamed me. All my friends and family believe me. My doctor didn’t and sent me to a psyche ward for evaluation. That was another nightmare for me and my family. She is no longer my doctor. I am in fear for my son and my life. He’ll never survive the registration. He is sensitive and has a heart of gold. He was a virgin. He was duped by this girl and she is under age. It’s been a living hell and the prosecutor and judge do not care what happens to him at all. I find it to be all so evil.
(I’m not sure if I want this posted if anyone can look at this site. You can email me your thoughts. Thank you.)